These aren't great pictures, but this is Josephine receiving her cell phone for Christmas. Perhaps she was in shock. I couldn't get the squeals to show up in the photo.
This is Josephine's Christmas performance dress, being modeled beautifully.
Ok, here is one of us heading out on our massive shopping expedition. It was really fun and we shopped till we almost dropped. The other two are of J's release of shopping energy once we arrived back home. She is bouncing on the queen bed that we stashed in the living room for movie watching.
J would want me to share these. It really explains a few things I think . . . . .
A couple more -- J enjoying some cider, our proud decorator and a silly moment in the truck. I love that laugh!
Here are some great pics of our tree hunting expedition. It was raining of course, but loads of fun.
Here are a few pictures of making our xmas tree decorations. They are kinda random and it's early so we don't look our very best, but thoughts i'd share anyway. The one with Rick and J choosing stuff to create with is in her room. It's the only pic we have so far of her new room. You can partly see the purple wall that Nana painted for her. The white one is going to be done in chalkboard paint.
Not sure if i've put these on here before or not, but they are so cute.
I believe Luna is on the left and Oatmeal is on the right. They are the newest members of our family and very sweet. They LOVE treats and to be scratched behind their ears.
Well, I haven't been having much success getting pictures on here. But maybe it's working now!
Ironically, while these are loading (which were taken before Thanksgiving), it just started snowing again right now!