Sunday, April 08, 2012

Here are a few pics of our chickens new palace. They finally went out in their yard this afternoon, although they get spooked pretty easily and all run back in.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

It was in the 50's and we all played outside a little bit. Mama and I played darts (I got a bullseye!! It wasn't staged either) and we built little houses for the woodland creatures. Rick played with his saw of course!

They're growing!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Here is J playing her new digital piano. She looks so studious!

Here are a few pics of our new little chicks.
The black ones with yellow chests are Australorps, the black ones with yellow spots on their heads are Barred Rocks and the little yellow ones are Buff Orpingtons. The Buffs are a week younger. Check back for more photos as they grow!